Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Objectives & Principles
WINSTON is committed to meeting the following objectives and principles by establishing and maintaining an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&SMS) which satisfies the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, industrial best practice and any other clients’ specific requirements:
To provide and maintain work environments for staff that is safe and free from health risks.
To keep accident rate below 4/1000 mandays.
To provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to avoid hazards; and to contribute to a positive health & safety culture among employees whilst at work.
To consult with employees on issues relating to occupational health & safety.
To establish a system of allocation of responsibilities among employees to draw their attention to our OH&SM System so that they are aware of their duties and obligations; and that the system be understood and executed by all employees.
To ensure sufficient financial and physical resources are available to meet the objectives of the OH&SMS, as well as all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
To ensure occupational health and safety objectives are set, monitored and reviewed at regular intervals, not less than once in each two years; or as needed due to internal or external factors such as changes in technology, legislations or standards.
To maintain continual improvement of the OH&SMS to ensure its effectiveness.
To ensure that risk assessments are being carried out on an on-going basis, with employees participating in the risk assessment process.
To maintain records to show compliance with the OH&SMS.
The Company appoints its Managing Director to be the Safety Director. He has the overall responsibility for the Occupational Health & Safety Policy and the OH&SMS including formulation, development, implementation and encouraging commitment by personnel at all levels of the Company.
The Management Representative is responsible for the co-ordination, implementation and monitoring of the policy throughout the organization.
All employees, contractors and visitors are responsible for policy implementation by cooperating, participating and contributing to its success through their actions and suggestions.
This Occupational Health & Safety Policy is communicated to all employees, contractors and visitors. A copy is displayed on employee notice boards at the Head Office, held in operating plants, published on the internal company drive as well as on company website. All employees are encouraged to read it and address their queries to a Director. Copies are made available to interested parties on request.
Managing Director
Date: JUNE 2021 [next revision date: JUNE 2022]

為達至以下的目標及原則,本公司制定執行一套符合:ISO45001:2018 標準、適用的法例法規、工業採用的最佳措施、與及客戶特別要求的“職業健康及安全”管理系統。
為員工提供 / 維持安全及沒有危及健康的工作環境。
保持意外率低於 4/1000 mandays。
提供充足和適當的資源以達成“職業健康及安全”管理系統/法例法規 要求的目標。
莊國明 董事總經理
日期:2021年6月 [下次修訂日期:2022年6月]